Seems like forever since my last blog...lot had happened...politics,gadgets,personal life etc..funny how the world evolved this past few months...and it happen so freaking fast :))
I turned 21which is a pain for growing old haha.noynoy still a stupid puppet on his seat..bin ladden is dead, good job obama..and ipad2 is now out in the market...woooWww
anyhow,first things first...i have a new not head over heels about not that psych given that i'll be leaving my first company and my family in cts. Ironic it is cause for this past months am cursing my stand with cts and now that am free and with a new company, am now doubting the decision and career move i had made. How hard it is to start over again. What if am not good with this new path of mine? What if my new officemates wouldn't be my buddies as what i have created with cts? Now am really hating cts for placing me to this course. Am most willing to stay with you guys...all am asking is a fair compensation and you can't give it. I hate you for letting me go :((
to be continued...e